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The 21 Most Perfect Moments Captured By Kiss And Dance Cams In 2013

Those lenses capture some awkward, funny, goofy, adorable, and amazing stuff.

1. When this brother and sister were put on the kiss cam...

And the brother ran away...

Far, far away.

2. When this vendor got down with his bad self.

3. When Cleveland Cavaliers created the the invisible girlfriend kiss cam.

4. When these guys got pumped for 2nd and Goal.

5. When these cubs fans cheered for their only home run of the season.

6. When this boyfriend didn't want to get off the phone.

7. When this kid put on a show...

This little guy loved the camera.

8. When David Beckham kissed his daughter.

9. When Matthew Perry and the Kings mascot shared a moment.

10. When these two had the dance battle of the century...

And it was beautiful.

11. When this kid's parents showed him too much love.

12. When these old rascals went to town.

13. When these guys took it off.

14. When this Cardinals fan put a ring on it.

15. When this announcer gave his partner a smooch on the cheek.

16. When these hockey announcers did the same.

17. When these guys did... this.

18. When Tommy Lasorda had no clue what was going on.

19. When this dude got sneaky.

20. This Celtics fan's tour de force.

21. And finally, the most adorable moment from the Puppy Bowl.