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21 Things That'll Make You Sigh And Laugh


1. Everyone donating money to Kylie Jenner:

2. Whoever runs this Amtrak twitter account:

3. Whoever decided this is how you spell Mounds:

4. The person who didn't didn't know what lettuce was:

5. Tim Abbott:

6. This confused Christian:

7. Nostradomus Jeff:

8. This Spanish language expert:

9. This editor:

10. This adorable grandma:

11. Whoever asked this bro for a pic:

12. This evacuation plan:

13. This arsonist:

14. This interesting censor:

15. This poorly thought-out sign:

16. This accepted return:

17. This guy who gave it the ol' college try:

18. The fact this $5.99 product exists:

19. Garrett:

20. Sending texts through Siri:

21. Whoever put these signs side by side: