21 Things Every Second Semester College Senior Knows To Be True

    *Drunken anxiety*

    1. Feeling completely lost in the shuffle and invisible to any and all employers.

    2. Finally understanding that comfort is always king.

    3. When your phone knows your Wednesday night plans.

    4. When your computer is your best and worst friend.

    5. Learning how to really prioritize your time.

    6. Wondering what happened to all your electives.

    7. Taking good care of your tableware.

    8. When you sleep to avoid all responsibility.

    9. When you can't afford to fix something so you improvise.

    10. Having zero clue how to handle Valentine's Day.

    11. Having family members troll you because of your major.

    12. Using most of your creative energy on the toilet.

    13. You start forgeting how to do very simple tasks.

    14. You're constantly smiling through your sadness.

    15. Constantly looking out for ways to save money.

    16. Ignoring or entirely giving up on your academic progress:

    17. Spending too much time pondering existential questions.

    18. Studying 10 minutes before an exam and hoping for the best.

    19. Thinking about jobs like this:

    20. Half-assing just about everything you do.

    21. And feeling paralyzed by what happens after graduation.