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What's The Strangest Thing That's Happened To Your Kid At School?

What happens at school stays at school.

School is a wonderful place where our kids learn important things like how to read, write, and be a functioning member of society.

With that said, it can also be a place where some pretty strange stuff happens.

For example, your kid might have done something stupid like the kid in A Christmas Story who licked a frozen pole.

Or maybe you got a call from the school nurse because your kid lost an eraser up his nose.

Your kid might have been given an assignment that made you go "hmmmm."

Or maybe your kid got detention for a reason that made you just shake your head.

Did you find out that your kid was nicknamed “Sperm” by all of the kids for some inexplicable reason?

Or did your kid have an “accident” and call you to stealthily rush a fresh pair of shorts down to the school?

Whatever it is, we want to know: What’s the strangest thing that ever happened to your kid at school?

Share your kid’s school story in the comments below and it may appear in a future BuzzFeed article!