25 Infuriatingly Lazy People Who It's Hard To Believe Exist In The World

    It's hard work being this lazy.

    1. This legend of laziness who couldn't be bothered to clean the snow off their car before they took to the road:

    2. And this actual human being who seriously tried to take a shortcut over a footbridge:

    3. This supermarket worker who was too lazy to get a ladder, so they just...😳😳😳:

    4. And this icon of idleness who is responsible for clothing the mannequin:

    5. These surely now-haunted people who drove over headstones so they didn't have to walk:

    6. This slacker who is a lot less infuriating than the previous monsters, but every bit as lazy:

    7. And these loafers who, instead of getting rid of their old TVs, just stacked the new one atop the old ones:

    8. This person's sister who replaced the toilet paper roll like this and then just walked away...SHE JUST WALKED AWAY:

    9. And this knucklehead who put the milk away like this (I mean, come on!):

    It's in from lazy

    10. This driver who somehow hasn't gotten around to throwing away those butts:

    11. This gamer who was too lazy to get up and get a napkin:

    12. And this whole group of (inconsiderate) lazies who tested out spray paint on the floor of the store:

    13. This winner of the Laziest and Rudest Roommate Award:

    14. This restaurant that served up a kids meal without going to the trouble of taking the mac 'n' cheese out of the microwave bag:

    15. This delivery person who did the absolute bare minimum (if this even IS the bare minimum):

    16. And this guy who ignored the "No Entry" sign, drove onto a wooden pier, and ended up in this pickle — all because they were too lazy to dolly their cargo in:

    The back of a lopsided truck stuck on a pier

    17. This book lover who, unfortunately, also loves pulling out a bunch of books and not putting any back:

    18. This parent who was too lazy to find a space during school drop-off, so they just parked their car here:

    19. These dog owners who hang their poop bags on the fence and say, "Good enough!":

    20. And this dog owner who throws her poop bags into the same tree every damn day:

    21. These party throwers whom we probably shouldn't expect to teach their kids to pick up after themselves:

    22. And this photographer who just left the ground looking like this:

    23. These people who would rather risk burning down their home than go outside to grill:

    24. This shiftless sort who tossed their empty drink in the ice cream cooler instead of finding a trash can:

    25. And lastly, this hauler who didn't spend a lot of time securing things but did hastily make a sign, so...: