Hilary And Haylie Duff Are Moms Now And Here’s What They Have To Say About It

    Life without kids is so yesterday.

    Celebrity sisters Hilary and Haylie Duff are now both mothers — Hilary is mom to her 3-year-old son, Luca, and Haylie welcomed her daughter, Ryan, this May.

    Have you personally experienced parent judgment?

    Hilary: "Sometimes the stuff closest to home — with a girlfriend or a family member — you take really personally and it can hurt, you know? But some of the first times I felt judgment were after six months of breastfeeding my child and starting to supplement him formula. A lot of people are super judgmental about your birth plan, or the way you decide to feed your baby, or what kind of stroller you buy."

    Haylie: "It starts with you, too, you know? I think the thing that affected me the most about watching the "Real Parents, Real Judgment" video is that you realize you have to hold yourself accountable for the judgment you're putting out toward other parents as well. You're not just asking people to not judge you, it's you being responsible for the judgment you're putting out too."

    The funny thing with parent judgment is that even the most know-it-all parent has had a parent fail moment or two. What are yours?

    Speaking of blowout diapers, what's your worst "blowout" story?

    Haylie: "I was convinced my daughter wasn't going to have those and Hilary was like, 'You just wait,' and then literally that afternoon we had one. We have a place in Malibu and had packed everyone and the dogs into the car, ready to leave, when a big blowout occurred. I just stripped her down, rinsed her in the sink, and let her ride home in a diaper. Because everything was packed!"

    Hilary: "I have one worse than that. I was flying to New York with Luca, and he had an extra outfit, but I didn't. That was an interesting last hour and a half of the plane ride. He was clean, he was good… I wasn't. So I've shoved an extra T-shirt into my bag ever since."

    Which of you is most likely to teach your kids how to throw a punch?

    Hilary, do you have any tricks to get your 3-year-old son, Luca, to eat?

    What is Hilary's best quality as a parent?

    What is Haylie's best quality as a parent?

    When it comes to kids' birthday parties, are you Team Cake or Team Cupcake?

    Can you give us your best "mom look," Hilary?

    How about you, Haylie?

    What's the most annoying character on a kids show?

    A recent BuzzFeed Life survey asked parents the ages they think their kids should be allowed to do things, like go to the mall alone. Got an opinion on that one?

    Do you think the internet has made parenting judging worse?

    Haylie: "I do. It was interesting because when we first started working with Similac they sent us some statistics, and some of the highest percentage of mothers who felt judgment were the ones who used social media."

    Hilary: "Yeah, it's crazy. There's been times in the middle of the night when Luca is burning up and I can't get the thermometer to read the same thing, so I go on the internet to ask questions, and you see the conversation just drifts off and gets really mean.

    "It's much easier to bully over the internet as opposed to face-to-face, but there's been plenty of times in outings at school or wherever where parents have been way too judgmental and you can feel it. You've said one thing wrong and it's different from what they do and that's really what we want to change, for people to be more aware."

    What is the appropriate way to respond to someone who openly disagrees with your parenting?"

    Hilary: "People should be responsible for their own family. It's as simple as that. It's like, this is your child and you can raise them how it's working best for you and your significant other."

    Haylie: "And if all else fails you can always pull a nice Southern lady move and say, 'Isn't that special?'"

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