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21 Ways You Do Not Want To Be Proposed To

You'll be stuck telling this story for the rest of your life.

1. With a flash mob.

2. When you're not looking your best.

3. As part of a fake arrest.

4. In skywriting.

5. On Valentine's Day.

6. On any holiday, basically.

7. At your workplace.

8. On your birthday.

9. At a sporting event.

10. In front of your partner's family.

11. By finding a ring hidden in your food.

12. At Disneyland.

13. At a restaurant.

14. Immediately after a positive pregnancy test.

15. When you're proposing.

16. On stage at a concert.

17. At the mall.

18. On social media.

19. On a whim.

20. After a night of drinking.

21. Somewhere dangerous.