Stephen Colbert Hilariously Posed With “Sports Illustrated” Models

    Not too shabby, Colbert.

    Sports Illustrated models Ashley Graham and Hailey Clauson stopped by The Late Show to teach Stephen Colbert how to pose sexily — in any situation.

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    Colbert has been on the cover of the popular magazine before, but he figured he could use a few pointers from the veteran models.

    And of course, the swimsuit models obliged.

    The models first taught Colbert to pose while in a tropical setting — pretty standard for swimsuit models.

    And he masterfully pulled it off, booty tooted and all, like he was a pro.

    The next task was to pose in a frigid environment, which proved to be a little more difficult than the first, but the end result turned out well.

    Watch out, models, Stephen is gonna be taking all of the swimsuit modeling gigs if he keeps his fierce smize.

    Finally, the tasks got progressively stranger with the models and Colbert posing near a black hole and even hell.

    Never change, Colbert, you hilarious human.