10 Questions You Shouldn't Ever Ask A Gay Guy

    Just no.

    1. "So, which one of you is the girl in the relationship?"

    2. "Don't you know the Bible condemns your lifestyle?"

    3. "Have you ever tried dating a girl?"

    4. "Do you want to be a woman?"

    5. "When did you choose to be gay?"

    6. "You're really cute for a gay guy, ya know?"

    7. "Aren't you afraid you're gonna get HIV?"

    8. "Like, I have no problem with your gayness, but why are you so effeminate?"

    9. "Do you think that this is just a phase?"

    10. "Aren't all gays supposed to have a great sense of fashion?"

    This is just a start, but now you can ask your LGBT friends appropriate questions.