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Jimmy Kimmel Had Parents Tell Their Kids They Ate Their Halloween Candy Again

It never gets old.

For the fourth year in a row, Jimmy Kimmel challenged parents around the country to tell their kids that they ate all of their Halloween candy. And as always, their reactions were priceless...

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Jimmy Kimmel Live / Via youtube.com

This future doctor was more concerned about his mom's health than about his candy...

And this kid couldn't stop screaming.

This guy decided the best revenge was to open ALL of the drawers in the kitchen...

And he wasn't happy when he learned that those weird fake drawers under the sink don't open.

This little guy pretty much had a meltdown...

As did this little girl, who turned demonic and starting throwing everything in sight.

But not all the kids got upset. This sweetheart was very understanding...

And while this cutie looked extremely disappointed when he first found out, he quickly forgave his mom.

But the most shocking reaction came from this little girl, who was clearly not happy with her parents...