The Definitive Ranking Of Iconic "Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert" Looks

    From least to most iconic looks.

    15. The Ping Pong Pub Look

    14. The Stranded In The Outback Look

    13. The Nuanced Nuptials Look

    12. The Opening Number Look

    11. The Flora, Fauna... And Merryweather Look

    10. The Cock In A Frock On A Rock Look

    9. The ABBA-solutely Fabulous Look

    8. The Bus-ty Devil Look

    7. The Sia's Going To Swing From You Later Look

    6. The You've Got Me Feeling Emu-tions Look

    5. The Frilled-Neck Golden Girls Look

    4. The Magic Slay Bus Look

    So iconic it was on the goddamn posters.

    3. The Flower Power Look

    2. The Haus Of Opera Look

    1. The Broken Hill Main-Drag-In-Drag Look

    There's a reason this movie won the Oscar for Best Costumes. ICONIC.

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