23 Questions Everyone Asks When They Move To San Francisco

    City by the what?

    1. Do you smell weed?

    The smell of weed can at times permeate the city. On the bus, in your office stairwell, outside coffee shops...

    San Franciscans aren't shy about sneaking a toke while out and about.

    2. So BART and MUNI aren't the same thing?

    3. Is that guy naked?

    4. Really, 15 bucks for a salad?

    5. What are they protesting?

    6. Who’s she arguing with?

    7. Why are there so many Walgreens?

    Because people in SF like to live well!

    8. Who's Karl?

    9. The rent on this apartment is HOW much?

    10. Should I get a bike?

    11. Isn't it boring spending all afternoon at Dolores park?

    12. How much for a rum coconut?

    13. Is it safe to eat these weed truffles?

    I mean, use your own judgement. Edible marijuana products affect everyone differently.

    But, the Truffle Man is pretty well reviewed on Yelp.

    14. Who is this Panda?

    Panda is Pablo Sandoval's nickname, or former nickname, since he's technically no longer a Giant.

    15. How do you get to the Presidio?

    16. Why was the bus driver so rude?

    17. What do you mean it's extra if I want a bag for my groceries?

    18. Did I just step in dog or human poop?

    19. Where can I get a last-minute costume?

    Check your local Walgreens, or for a full costume head out to Fantasy Clothing Company in SoMa.

    20. What exactly is in a vegan burrito?

    21. Is it an uphill walk?

    Pretty much everywhere you can walk in SF will involve going uphill at some point.

    22. Does this go in compost or recycle?

    23. Does the weather ever change?