43 Things Only Australian '90s Guys Will Understand

    It was a time of Shane Warne and slap bands.

    1. You started the day with CheezTV because you're a Cheezoid and Agro's Cartoon Connection can get stuffed.

    2. And you knew every word to the Samurai Pizza Cats theme song.

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    3. You drew this symbol on every surface you could find.

    4. If you were really cool you had a Yo Yo Diablo.

    5. And you begged your parents to spend $40 on The Brain.

    6. Tazos were like gold and you tried to fill the folder.... it meant you ate a lot of chips.

    7. You were always jealous of the kids whose parents allowed them to eat Mamee noodles raw.

    8. The smell of Lynx deodorant means one thing: PE class.

    9. Hair gel was crucial for every hairstyle in your repertoire.

    10. If you had a big brother you got to learn about sex from Ralph magazine.

    11. But if you had a big sister you got to read Dolly Doctor and that was infinitely better.

    12. Mighty Max was the hottest item in your toy box.

    13. This is the one and only Game Boy. (Also you know how to sing the entire Tetris theme song).

    14. You were either Red or Blue...

    15. And you never really knew there were some logical problems.

    16. This is how our generation took selfies (but seriously that camera cost like $150).

    17. Blowing on the cartridge solved literally every problem.

    18. And you played so much Goldeneye that you knew about Russian weapons.

    19. But you probably also played hours mastering Doom.

    20. You felt sorry for Jessica.

    And flinched every time she did.

    And giggled when the blind went up.

    21. Wheeler was easily the coolest Planateer!

    22. And you rushed home from school to catch Beast Wars.

    23. On reflection, how weird was Beast Wars?!

    24. A weedy guy called Eric made you want to eat Bananas.

    25. And you always wanted to meet Spotty from Super Ted.

    26. Why did they ever stop with the shaker fries? You'll never know because they were delicious!

    27. You don't ever remember losing a game of cricket, because of this guy....

    28. And you'll always remember where you were when Michael Bevan hit four off the last ball to beat the West Indies.

    29. Plus there was that time a guy called Plugger kicked 1300 goals!

    30. And the Super League Wars.... with timeless teams like the Hunter Mariners and Adelaide Rams.

    31. This Mighty Ducks battle was the greatest showdown of your generation.

    32. For Christmas, you really wanted the boogie board package from the surf shop.... because you needed to upgrade from that foamie.

    33. This bat was the king of backyard cricket.

    34. Slap bands were your first foray into jewelry.

    35. And the coolest kids proudly had Mambo pencil cases.

    36. You learnt about capitalism by taking weekly amounts of coins to school.

    37. You learnt to read because of the Goosebumps books.

    38. And devoured every single Paul Jennings book which was released.

    39. Despite it being full of sugar, you were allowed to eat Nutri-Grain because it was "Iron Man Food".

    40. Toadie Rebecchi from Neighbours was your style icon.

    41. And Kimberley Davies was the first person you truly loved.

    42. But there was always Joey Potter with that unbelievable smile.

    43. And you knew every single word to this song of the decade.