21 People Everyone Has Definitely Texted Before In Their Life

    Text the mems.

    1. That person who always needs attention:

    2. That person who apparently gets kidnapped inbetween texts:

    3. That person who is a LIAR:

    4. That person who is always in bed:

    5. That person you can communicate with entirely in emoji:

    6. The person that always wants to call you:

    7. The person who always is on low battery:

    8. The person who always has an excuse:

    9. The person who "doesn't notice" a text for about 24 hours:

    10. That person who's always "ready in 5 minutes."

    11. That person that has no concept of time:

    12. The person who stays completely silent:

    13. That person who always wants to show you a picture of their pet:

    14. The person who's just there to play with your emotions:

    15. The person who always has like, 100 messages unread on their phone like a dang barbarian:

    16. The green bubble person:

    17. The person who always FaceTimes by accident:

    18. That person that's always risking life and limb texting on a busted phone like this:

    19. Your mom:

    20. The person who has no idea how texting works:

    21. And, more than anyone else, the phone company: