How Well Do You Remember These Famous TV Catchphrases?

    Can ya, can ya?

    The Rules:

    Just type in the catchphrase. Capitalization doesn't matter, however some punctuation and spelling will matter. If you get it wrong you can "give up" and the answer will be revealed!

    1. Stephanie Tanner from Full House

    2. The baby from Dinosaurs

    3. Joey from Blossom

    4. Helga from Hey Arnold!

    5. Zenon from Zenon: Girl Of The 21st Century

    6. Joey from Friends

    7. Arnold from Different Strokes

    8. Mr. T from lots of stuff

    9. Hannah Montana from Hannah Montana

    10. Uncle Jesse from Full House

    11. Steve Urkel from Family Matters

    12. Gary from Spongebob Squarepants