23 Of The Most Enjoyable Things That Have Ever Happened

    Just a post to make your day a little bit better.

    1. This method of playing Mario Kart.

    2. This friendship.

    3. This utterly addictive cat toy.

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    4. This magnificent percussion solo.

    5. This business idea.

    6. This dog nailing the cowbell part.


    7. This discovery.

    I just found out that @BigBird is the ONLY PERSON on Twitter who can see @MrSnuffleupagus. This is a goddamn triumph.

    8. This hamster, hanging out in a hammock.

    9. The hack this bar used to keep beer cold.

    10. A bird reading about itself.

    11. This idea.

    12. This completely accurate tweet.

    13. This product name.

    14. This chair.

    15. This birthday cake that's gone to a whole new level.

    16. These completely essential annotations for TLC's "No Scrubs."

    17. These kids, proving that teamwork is the dream work.

    18. This cosplay.

    19. This introduction.

    20. These hamsters chilling out on a turntable.

    21. This graffiti.

    22. This flawless GIF.

    23. This dog, being interviewed by the BBC.