31 Photos That Will Take All Brits Right Back To Primary School

    Sitting at the back of the coach was the most important thing that could ever happen.

    1. This attempt everyone made to erase pen that never did anything more than erase the paper.

    2. Getting this view on a class trip meant you were a definite winner.

    3. Anyone who did this was a complete badass.

    4. When this happened EVERY SINGLE TIME.

    5. This, which remains the hardest challenge of all time.

    6. Any of these getting served at a party meant you knew you were in for a good time.

    7. Every football ended up looking like this after a few weeks.

    8. Or you ended up playing with a "floater".

    9. However bad your teachers were, they were never as bad as this guy.

    10. Though this would still have been useful to have.

    11. Someone getting a nosebleed always led to absolute chaos.

    12. At the end of Year 6, your shirt definitely looked like this.

    13. Gym apparatus was incredibly important.

    14. Until you actually had to climb the ropes, because this happened.

    15. This joyous moment when you could peel off all the PVA glue you'd spent a lesson carefully applying.

    16. There was always at least one thing that was a bit odd.

    17. This was the fount of all knowledge.

    18. This was an intensely exciting selection process.

    19. No trip to a bowling alley was ever complete without one of these.

    20. Pogs were definitely very important, even if you had no idea how they were actually supposed to be played with.

    21. These were the best things you could ever wear on your feet.

    22. Spending a fiver on these and getting literally hundreds, and feeling like you owned the school.

    23. These did nothing to cushion you.

    24. These, on the other hand? These were the fucking bomb.

    25. This was always completely accurate.

    26. When the book fair arrived and it was just the absolute best.

    27. The overhead projector that you actually just wanted to use to make dog shadow puppets with.

    28. No one ever actually dancing at the school disco.

    29. Well, until "Macarena" came on, obviously.

    30. This crime against decency that seemed to happen two times out of three.

    31. And of course, this prank, which could never be topped.