23 Struggles Everyone With Terrible Handwriting Has Experienced In Their Life

    "No, I can't really read it either."

    1. Growing up, you always had the worst handwriting of anyone you knew.

    2. And it always seemed to be the only thing teachers could focus on.

    3. No matter what the work actually consisted of, somewhere on it would be a red pen mark discussing your illegible scrawl.

    4. You probably tried a variety of different methods to fix it, to no avail.

    5. And yet, some teacher would come up with a new strategy that "would definitely help!"

    6. It never did, because for some reason making words with ink was a task that seemed to be completely beyond you.

    7. When you got work handed back to you by a teacher, it was usually with the prefixed with "I can't read the name on this... is it yours?"

    8. There were also many spurious explanations for the problem put forward by various people, that never really explained anything.

    9. Usually dyslexia, for some reason, despite the absence of anything else that might suggest dyslexia.

    10. When you got older and started writing really long essays, they became a mess of ink that even you couldn't really read.

    11. Eventually you probably adopted a fairly impractical way of writing, simply out of necessity to make it even slightly legible.

    12. Which meant by the time you finished an essay, your hand felt as though it was about to fall off.

    13. Exams were the worst, since your writing would deteriorate to a point that wasn't even writing at all.

    14. The knowledge that as soon as you left school, you'd be using a computer for everything made it all so much more annoying.

    15. As did the ever-present joke, "Oh, you should be a doctor!"

    16. Or some quip about your writing looking like a spider dipped in ink crawling across the page.

    17. As an adult, the few times you have to write are still very stressful.

    18. Filling in official forms is problematic, since who knows what could happen if you get it wrong?

    19. So you adopt a block capital alphabet that is effective... but looks like it's been written by a 6-year-old.

    20. Cards being given to friends always contain a myriad of lovely messages - except yours, which is as short as possible to avoid the embarrassing moment when they can't read it.

    21. Similarly, your signature isn't so much your name, as a squiggle you can easily replicate.

    22. If you end up forced to take notes on something, you can definitely never lend them to anyone else.

    23. But in the end, you don't actually have to worry. Because computers have basically solved everything.