There Are Already Some Scientific Quibbles With "Jurassic World"

    It seems that the film may not be completely scientifically accurate. Which is utterly shocking, honestly.

    The trailer for the film was recently released, but people have already started to point out there are a few scientific issues visible in the short clip.

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    Firstly, there is this concern about the Big Bad having thumbs.

    From trailer, looks like #JurassicWorld's Big Bad has thumbs. Yeah. A huge, smart, carnivorous dinosaur with thumbs sounds like a GREAT idea

    Which, as pointed out, is a worrying addition to a super-smart dinosaur.

    We're convinced.

    Then there were issues with the mosasaur's lack of a forked tongue.

    #JurassicWorld's mosasaur looked pretty badass, but it would have looked even better with a forked tongue!

    As a result, this giant carnivorous reptile with rows and rows of razor-sharp teeth isn't remotely scary.

    There was also this quibble with its back.

    @Blackmudpuppy Yup. The back fringe is misidentified tracheal rings. Oops. Some geneticist at #JurassicWorld might get fired for that one.

    This bit. They're talking about this bit.

    It's actually a scientific theory that was debated over many years, with National Geographic providing an in-depth explanation of the process by which the Tylosaurus, a subfamily of mosasaur, lost its fin.

    Then the entomologists got involved.

    Dear #JurassicWorld, Entomologists are real. We're actually quite nice. Please ask us why mosquitos /= crane flies

    Mosquito on the left, crane fly on the right. /

    This is probably a good time to point out that the whole mosquito thing wouldn't work anyway.

    Especially given this oft-forgotten plot point from the first film.

    Can't believe I didn't realize this sooner. If the dinosaurs were made with frog DNA, weren't they all hybrids to start with? #JurassicWorld

    Then it was on to the feather problem, as in recent years it has become increasingly clear that dinosaurs had feathers.

    Basic message of #JurassicWorld is "Screw you, science, we don't need your stinking feathers!! This is alt-future-1993!!" #dinosaurs

    Fossils such as this one of a Sinosauropteryx provide evidence of non-avian dinosaurs also having feathers of a sort.

    Scenes like this probably would look a tiny bit daft with feathers though, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    The scientists are still pretty excited about the movie, despite its possible flaws.

    #JurassicWorld looks like it's going to be a really fun monster movie. If you want dinosaurs, visit a museum after viewing.

    Of course, this is probably still the biggest question.

    JURASSIC WORLD prequel that's just a boardroom drama about trying to get insurance for a new dino park after what happened to last one.

    Here, have some Chris Pratt being ominous.

    h/t: GizModo.