23 Of The Most Glorious Examples Of Drunk Logic

    It's when everyone functions at their best.

    1. The guy who ordered Dominos, and ordered McDonald's in the special instructions section.

    2. This cunning tactic to stop a car with a broken window from being stolen.

    3. This brand new soap dispenser.

    4. The most perfect cheeseburger of all time.

    5. This achievement.

    6. And then this one...

    7. Whatever happened here.

    8. This teenager who fell asleep in the taxi.

    Fell asleep in the taxi and none woke me up. Now I'm back at the taxi man's house in Stretford watching take me out

    9. "Adult bagel bites."

    10. This excellent recreation of a very important photo.

    11. This jenga tower.

    12. The person who bought a scorpion while drinking.

    13. This 2am purchase your mother might actually be proud of.

    14. A night with the Super Smashed Bros.

    15. This highly useful to-do list.

    16. A cat fort.

    17. The skill that must have resulted in this.

    18. This eventful night.

    19. This invention.

    20. This entirely logical purchase.

    21. This knife, thrown through a door.

    22. This wonderfully, and elegantly, prepared meal.

    23. This utterly, utterly brilliant photo that is all of us when we're drinking.