14 Horrifically Gory Moments On TV

    Series like FX's The Strain are upping the ante on television violence. But there are plenty of other gruesome examples of televised gore. Warning: Potential spoilers ahead!

    1. The Strain: Gabriel Bolivar loses a penis.

    2. Hemlock Grove: The werewolf transformation

    3. Hannibal: Mason Verger eats his own nose.

    4. Breaking Bad: A partially dissolved body falls through the ceiling.

    5. The X-Files: The doctor gives himself a face peel.

    6. True Blood: Russell Edgington interrupts a broadcast.

    7. Bones: Snake in the body

    8. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Xander loses an eye.

    9. The Walking Dead: The well zombie splits in half.

    10. CSI: Nick steps in a rotting corpse.

    11. Supernatural: Sam loses a fingernail.

    12. Game of Thrones: The Mountain crushes the Viper's head.

    13. American Horror Story: Kyle's disembodied parts

    14. Penny Dreadful: Frankenstein's first monster rips through his second.

    What gory TV moment is still haunting your dreams? Add it in the comments!