18 Things Only Homebodies Will Understand

    TV. Takeout. Cat.

    1. You know your reasons for loving to stay in may sound lame, but this is your idea of heaven:

    2. Home isn't just a place where you veg out. You have a multitude of productive at-home activities, thank you very much.

    3. However, vegging out at home is THE BEST. This is you two seconds after you walk in the door Friday evening.

    4. Just the thought of having to get dressed up to go out is exhausting.

    5. When your friends have managed to drag you out, it's often way less fun than being at home. WAY. LESS. FUN.

    6. And when you're out, you often begin daydreaming about being back home.

    7. When you hear about how "crazy" your friends' Saturday was and how they were out all night, all you can think is, Well, good for you.

    8. As for travel, you take vacation time for staycations.

    9. And even when you do travel, you usually reach a point where you're done.

    10. You've been known to not leave the house for days at a time.

    11. And your local delivery person knows who you are. (And possibly goes the extra mile because you're such a good customer.)

    12. When your friends and family don't understand why you stayed in all weekend, you have to offer explanations they can understand:

    13. And when people give you shit for being a shut-in, you'll passionately defend your reasons.

    14. You sometimes make plans based on how far away from home they are.

    15. You seriously don't see the point of going out to the movies when you have a perfectly good TV at home. Where you don't have to sit in a room with annoying strangers.

    16. If you have bitchy resting face, home is a place of relief, where you can let your bitchface bitch.

    17. Maybe your home is the only place you can let your inner freak out. So of course it's where you always want to be.

    18. And that is something truly magical.