17 Things People Think Zayn Malik's Green Hair Looks Like

    Dare dye your hair and the piss will get taken.

    Zayn Malik has only gone and dyed his hair green. He did it to raise awareness about the environment, but nevertheless, everyone's taking the piss...

    1. Lots of people think he looks like a vegetable.

    "Zayn dyed his hair green to look like a vegetable and so Naughty Boy can't eat him" #GreenHairDontCare 😂😂😂😂

    2. So many peas.

    3. He's the peas to Perrie's mash.

    4. He's been likened to a lurid green highlighter.

    "zayn isn't going to help you pass your exams" aRE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT #GreenHairDontCare

    5. Is he more like a Turtle, or Shrek?

    "ZAYN DYED HIS HAIR GREEN" What I see… #GreenHairDontCare But I still love Zayn.

    6. Or how about a grow-your-own hair Shrek?

    7. Very natural, Zayn's new hair.

    8. Some think green-haired Zayn should get in the bin.

    9. Of course, there's been a comparison to Pepe.

    10. Multiple Pepes.

    11. "Zepe".

    12. Why not play a game of footie on Zayn's head?

    13. Or maybe you'd prefer a game of golf?

    14. He looks a little like Beast Boy off Teen Titans.

    15. And a little like lime-green Teletubbie, Dipsy.

    16. But not as much as he looks like an Oompa Loompa.

    17. His environmental message hasn't gone completely unnoticed, at least.