27 Woes You Face When You Dye Your Hair Blonde

    Don't go breakin' my hair.

    1. You look at Gwen Stefani and think, "that woman's been bleaching her hair for life and it looks dreamy. What could go wrong?"

    2. But why does your hair never turn out to be the spun platinum of dreams you hope for when you bleach it?

    3. Maybe you get the colour right, but not without some serious breakage.

    4. You treat heat styling tools with the caution you would a poisonous snake for fear of more breakage.

    5. But it feels like straighteners are the only thing that will tame the frizz bomb your bleached hair has become.

    6. The perma-frizz is REAL.

    7. Elaborate up-dos and hair accessories become your BFF.

    8. No matter how you style it though, sometimes there's just no hiding the broken frizz tufts.

    9. Sometimes your only option is to cut off all the bad bits and start again.

    10. Who needs long-hair when you can own a '90s bleached-our Drew Barrymore crop anyway?

    11. But even then you've got to keep up with the roots without further frying the rest of your hair.

    12. You can of course embrace the edge roots give you.

    13. Until you reach the annoying stage when you've got more than roots but it's not quite ombre yet.

    14. But nothing beats how good it feels when it's freshly dyed again.

    15. You start to feel like you're spending your life savings on deep conditioning treatments.

    16. And you'll no doubt find yourself with a massive hairdresser bill to match too.

    17. Suddenly you get why everyone's been banging on about coconut oil for ages.

    18. Condition isn't your only bleach-beef - sometimes your blonde comes out far yellower than you hoped.

    19. Or dark forces will conspire to make your colour patchy.

    I dyed my hair today. Was supposed so be subtle blonde highlights but is now patchy orange 😁 I'll post a pic in the morning 😂

    20. But that's nothing you can't tone out like a pro with some purple shampoo.

    21. If you ever complain about the condition of your hair, people will be quick to tell you bleaching is bad for your hair.

    22. Nobody takes your woes seriously, because after all, it's just hair.

    23. A bad hair day can bring down the best of us.

    24. Sometimes though, just sometimes, all that conditioning and nurturing pays off.

    25. When your blonde hair looks good you feel like a powerful babe who can get away with anything.

    26. All that work was worth it to feel like a total goddess.

    27. Stay strong, blonde buds.