16 Things That Will Inevitably Happen At Target

    "How did I end up in the dressing room?"

    1. You tell yourself you'll only spend 20 minutes there.

    2. You don't grab a cart because you don't need much.

    3. After you get your cart, you remind yourself that you only need a couple of things.

    4. You declare that you can AND will avoid the shoe section, because you have enough shoes.

    5. You tell yourself you won't look at the clothes.

    6. You tell yourself that the dollar section is full of things you don't need.

    7. You think to yourself, "Hmm, I just looked at the home decor last week."

    8. You assume there isn't anything new on sale.

    9. You go look for a FEW groceries.

    10. You try to avoid the freezer section.

    11. You pass the alcohol, and stop, because obviously.

    12. You pass the nail polish aisle and stop to take a look, even though you have plenty at home.

    13. Then you see the hair section, and realize you've lost, and Target has won.

    14. You realize you've spent too much time in Target and really need to leave.

    15. You try to stay strong in the checkout line because you've already spent enough.

    16. And then tell yourself you're good on Target for, like, a while.