22 Things Only People With Piercings Will Understand

    We're way holier than you.

    1. People will automatically judge you.

    2. You've been told countless times that it will be hard to find a job.

    3. People will ask you why you ruined your face.

    4. You will at some point get your piercing(s) stuck on something.

    5. People will ask you if getting pierced hurt.

    6. People will try to tell you that you'll regret your piercings.

    7. And people will stare.

    8. During the healing process you will mildly regret your decision.

    9. But as soon as the piercing heals, you immediately want another.

    10. People will ask why you got piercings, and no answer will ever be good enough.

    11. People will tell you, "Hope it doesn't get infected!"

    12. You are an EXPERT when it comes to healing/cleaning cuts.

    13. You'll want to change up your jewelry all the time, but you'll end up sticking with the original piece of jewelry with which you were pierced.

    14. You'll roll your eyes when someone famous makes your piercing "popular" again.

    15. You will play with your piercing(s) ALL. THE. DAMN. TIME.

    16. You'll get REAL tired of people saying, "But you're so pretty, why did you do that to yourself?"

    17. You'll be asked if you have hidden piercings.

    18. Friends will ask you to go with them and hold their hand when they get pierced because you're the expert.

    19. Witnessing someone else get a piercing will freak you out more than actually getting a piercing yourself.

    20. People will ask about how your piercings will look when you're older.

    21. And then they'll suggest that you'll get tired of your piercing(s) in a month.

    22. People may not approve, but when you look in the mirror and see your piercings, you feel fucking fabulous.