21 Things That Only Happen To Awkward People

    That awkward moment between birth and death.

    1. People try to hug you and you literally have no idea what to do.

    2. You hate literally every single picture that has ever been taken of you because you look awkward AF.

    3. And you try to pose in pictures and end up FAILING SO HARD.

    4. You pretty much never know what to do in any situation, so you end up doing something to make yourself even more awkward.

    5. And it's impossible for you to take a selfie because you somehow always end up making this face.

    6. Group pictures become the subject of your nightmares.

    7. You have gotten REALLY good at avoiding eye contact.

    8. You have no idea how to accept compliments.

    9. And the art of flirting is something you're *still* trying to master.

    10. Everyone told you that you would eventually grow out of your awkward stage but... you're still waiting.

    11. You have no idea how to talk to people you don't know.

    12. All of your friends are just as awkward as you are.

    13. You get upset when people throw around the word "awkward" because they tripped over a sidewalk ONE TIME.

    14. Sometimes you legitimately forget how to smile.

    15. Your life basically becomes a sitcom, except people are laughing at you and not with you.

    16. Wedding receptions are the bane of your existence because you try to avoid dancing in public if at all possible.

    17. And trying to pose for a romantic picture is OUT OF THE QUESTION.

    18. You have mastered the art of the awkward laugh.

    19. And no matter how hard you try, your awkwardness comes out in texts too.

    20. If you see someone you know in public, you immediately try to hide.

    21. And basically, there will never be a time that you AREN'T being awkward.