19 Times Target Delivered You From Evil

    You can do all things through Target who strengthens you.

    1. When you needed new body wash, and Target provided a bottle that was on sale.

    2. When you needed a serious boost to make it through your week, and Target provided you with a gift.

    3. When you just REALLY needed a snack, and the Target food court provided you with a salty delight.

    4. Or when you just REALLY needed some caffeine, and Target provided you with Starbucks.

    5. When you needed a better way to drink your coffee every morning, and you found it in a new mug from Target.

    6. When you needed a quick refreshment and the Target brand Simply Balanced was there to quench your thirst.

    7. When you needed a little extra inspiration and found it hidden in the Target shelves.

    8. When you didn't even know you needed new makeup, until you saw the Target makeup sale.

    9. When you were giving a gift and needed to present it with some flair.

    10. When you wanted to wear combat boots, but also wanted to avoid re-entering your goth stage.

    11. When you needed a prescription filled, but also wanted to look for new clothes.

    12. When you needed your feet to feel as beautiful as the rest of your body.

    13. When you just couldn't be bothered to leave the house but still wanted to feel Target's presence.

    14. When you realized that eating could be even MORE fun with fun bowls.

    15. When you were having a less-than-perfect day, and came home to a package from Target.

    16. When you didn't think you could ever love a Target more, until you found the new one in your neighborhood.

    17. When your shopping trip went over budget, until your REDcard discount saved you.

    18. When it was bathing suit season, but Target made it feel OK.

    19. And when you realized that no matter what happened — Target would always be there for you.