21 Problems Only Sweaty People Will Understand

    I'm bringing sweaty back.

    1. You sweat all the time.

    2. Winter can never come fast enough, and summer is literally the enemy.

    3. But either way you sweat ALL. THE. TIME.

    4. You avoid light colored shirts like the PLAGUE.

    5. You always make sure your deodorant comes with antiperspirant even though you know it won't work anyway.

    6. Wearing makeup is pretty pointless. It will be gone in an hour.

    7. Your sweat stains have almost become a form of art.

    8. And most of your nightmares involve presentations of some kind.

    9. And nightclubs are the WORST.

    10. White T-shirts literally are not a part of your wardrobe.

    11. You don't even remember what it's like to raise your arm all the way into the air.

    12. You usually try to avoid sitting down for long periods of time on warm days because of the inevitable swamp ass and soaked seat.

    13. You avoid hugging at all costs.

    14. You have sometimes been asked whether or not it is raining because of how wet your hair and clothing are.

    15. You cannot "sunbathe." You would drown in sweat.

    16. One shower a day just doesn't really cut it.

    17. And you're sweating just WALKING INTO THE GYM.

    18. You don't need to sit in a sauna because you basically live in a sauna every single day.

    19. People assume you're always nervous, when really you're just sweaty.

    20. And you have to limit how much fluid you drink because you want to limit your sweat. Which is pretty much bullshit at 8 a.m. on a Monday when you want that second cup of coffee.

    21. Remember that one time when you weren't sweaty? Yeah, me either.