16 Snapchats All Long Distance BFFs Have Sent

    Three sleeps...

    1. When you're looking at flights just because and find a gem:

    2. When you spot a hottie in the wild and you need your BFF to experience it with you:

    3. When you FINALLY get to hang out and you can't wait:

    4. When you're trying to make sure you can still watch your shows together:

    5. When you can't be there to wish them luck in person:

    6. When you're worried about being replaced even though you know your friendship is irreplaceable:

    7. When you're at a party without them and questioning your life choices:

    8. When you literally cannot stop counting down the days until you're reunited:

    9. When you're planning out your FaceTime dates:

    10. When you're laughing at your inside jokes alone:

    11. When you just really need your BFF's opinion:

    12. When you just really, really need a BFF night:

    13. When you're scheming on how to live near each other:

    14. When you meet someone but know it doesn't matter until you get that BFF approval:

    15. When you miss your shopping partner:

    16. And when you leave them after a weekend and go back to being long-distance and don't know how you can live: