17 Reactions For When Someone Gets Engaged

    Another one bites the dust.

    1. When it seems like the only thing you see on social media is engagements:

    2. When someone posts the same photos of their left hand over and over again:

    When someone gets engaged and suddenly every picture features their left hand.

    3. When someone gets engaged after a hot second of dating:

    Me when couples get engaged after they've just met and have been dating for a week😑

    4. When the love of your life gets engaged to someone else:

    When Evan Peters eventually gets engaged to someone that isn't me

    5. When people get engaged on Valentine's Day:

    When you see that 4,383,930 of your friends got engaged on Valentine's Day.

    6. And when someone asks you what you'll do when the love of your life gets engaged:

    When someone asks me what i'm gonna do when Josh gets engaged

    7. When you see your crush but then realize they're engaged:

    when u see zayn walking down the street and want him to notice u but u remember he's engaged

    8. When someone reminds you that your crush is engaged:

    9. When you're on Twitter and your Twitter crush says they got engaged:

    Girls when their twitter crush announces they're engaged

    10. When you get on Facebook for 20 seconds and see 23 new engagements:

    When I log into Facebook and see everyone is engaged or pregnant

    11. When you compare yourself to engaged couples:

    Every one's getting engaged ... and then there's me.

    12. When you're at dinner and your waiter is super gorgeous then they mention their fiancé:

    when u find out the hot waiter's engaged

    13. When your friends might get engaged before you:

    when allison says she's gonna get engaged before me

    14. When everybody seems to be getting engaged but you're focused on food:

    Everyone is busy getting engaged and I'm over here like "they gave me 9 nuggets in my 8-count Chick-fil-a meal."

    15. When your younger cousins get engaged before you:

    One of my cousins is a year younger than me and just got engaged. Meanwhile I'm just sitting here like:

    16. When your family won't stop asking you why you aren't engaged:

    Me every time a family member asks if I'm engaged yet

    17. And the emotions you feel when yet ANOTHER PERSON you know gets engaged:

    That emotion when yet another person gets engaged...