15 Problems Only People Who Are Bad At Romance Understand

    Please don't tell me you bought flowers instead of food.

    1. You hate when people get you flowers, because they die, and you can't eat them.

    2. Candlelit dinners aren't really your thing because you can't see anything worth a damn.

    3. If anyone ever tried to play you a song, you would end up laughing because...who does that?

    4. You're not really into holding hands because it gets sweaty as f*ck.

    5. The same goes for cuddling, can you scoot over?

    6. And then sometimes your partner might try to stare lovingly into your eyes.

    7. You're really bad at texting those you care about because it ends up going something like this:

    8. You definitely aren't into sharing your food with anyone.

    9. Taking cute couple pictures is difficult, as you usually turn out looking uncomfortable as hell.

    10. The thought of PDA is the subject of most of your nightmares.

    11. And the whole "expressing your feelings through a poem" thing? No freaking way.

    12. You aren't really into the whole good morning kissing thing.

    13. And you really don't like when anyone surprises you and joins you in the shower.

    14. And cutesy nicknames make you want to puke.

    15. Honestly, sometimes you try to be more romantic for someone you care about but it ends up turning out to be a burnt meal.