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24 Pictures That Will Hit All Twentysomethings Right In The Feels

I'll have a vodka latte to go, please.

1. The face you make when someone asks you where you see yourself in five years:

2. The all-too-familiar dinner that satisfies all dietary needs:

3. The face you make when you realize you have no idea what you're doing but you're trying to hold it together:

4. The face you make when your roommate leaves you another passive-aggressive note:

5. The precautions you have to take to make sure you aren't late, even though you still are every single day:

6. The face you make when you realize wine is made out of grapes so it's probably, definitely, totally good for you:

7. The all-too-real Cards Against Humanity mash-up that perfectly describes your relationship with Sallie Mae:

8. The face you make when your alma mater sends out an email about a campus event and you graduated over a year ago:

9. The things you do when you're supposed to be responsible but don't freaking feel like it:

10. The face you make when your student ID expires and you can no longer use it for discounts:

11. The struggle of wrestling with Ikea furniture and instructions:

12. The face you make when you're scheming to get someone's HBO Go password:

13. The face you make on Monday morning when you're re-evaluating all of your weekend choices:

14. The face you make when you realize how many taxes are taken out of your paycheck:

15. The lunch you "cook" when you bring your lunch to work with you:

16. The face you make when you get a "save the date" in the mail:

17. The face you make when you hear people talking about their 401(k)s and you haven't even set yours up yet:

18. The face you make when you've eaten too many microwavable meals and your body is REVOLTING:

19. The wine you buy when you're really splurging:

20. The face you make when you see your bank account balance after paying your rent:

21. The face you make when a Facebook status about someone getting engaged has 300 likes:

22. The drink you have when it's only Wednesday but you need it to be Friday:

23. The face you make when you're in a meeting and trying so hard to act like you're paying attention and understand every word that is being said:

24. And the face you make when someone in high school says they're stressed out: