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17 Hard Decisions Every '90s Kid Had To Make

French Toast Crunch or Oreo O's?!?!

1. Choosing which Lion King-themed spoon to use.

2. And then deciding which cereal you would use your spoon in.

3. And of course that doesn't even cover the difficulty of choosing a Lunchables flavor.

4. Settling on either playing with your Beanie Babies or leaving them on the shelf so that they would be in mint condition to make MILLIONS someday.

5. Determining what your AOL screen name should be.

6. And then trying to figure out WHAT THE HELL your away message was going to say.

7. Choosing a boy band to pledge lifetime allegiance to.

8. Trying to make a final decision on what color gel pen you were going to use to write a note to your BFFL.

9. Choosing which part of the Wonder Ball you would devour first.

10. Whether you would chew a piece of Fruit Stripe gum or chew a piece of gum that would actually remain flavorful longer than three minutes.

11. Deciding whether or not you wanted to watch the second tape of Titanic on VHS.

12. Whether you would purchase school supplies that were useful, or spend your money on Lisa Frank because it was FUNKY.

13. If you would spend your allowance at the Scholastic Book Fair or save up for moon shoes.

14. Trying to decide whether to play Oregon Trail or watch TRL.

15. Deciding whether you should buy a Furby or be able to sleep at night.

16. Rewinding your VHS tape or leaving it as a problem for your future self to deal with.

17. And, of course, the insanely difficult task of trying to choose what movies you would rent from Blockbuster.