April Is Literally The Worst “Gilmore Girls” Character Of All Time

    Enough with the damn swim team already.

    Gilmore Girls is one of the greatest shows OF. ALL. TIME. We love it. We watch it over and over again. And when the news broke that the show was coming back, we all cried happy tears.

    We're THRILLED to hear that all of our favorite characters — like Doyle and Paris — are coming back. Except there's one problem...


    It is a fact* that April is easily one of the worst television characters... OF ALL TIME.

    First of all, April is SO UNNECESSARY.

    She basically was only there to delay the moment (Luke and Lorelai's wedding) that fans had been waiting for ... for YEARS.

    As if that wasn't enough, she then subjected us to her preteen angst...


    AND she used up precious screen time that could have been put to a better use.

    And don't even get us started on the fact that April forces us to imagine Luke impregnating a woman who IS NOT LORELAI.

    In conclusion, April is literally the worst.

    So thanks, Amy Sherman-Palladino — you won't give us the last four words, but you gave us APRIL.