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Ruby Rose And Justin Bieber Have Finally Given Us The Photo We've Been Waiting For

Total twins. Mild spoiler for OITNB S3.

Guys, it finally happened!

If you've been living under a rock, Ruby Rose, the Australian actress who stars in the most recent season of Netflix hit Orange Is The New Black, has been blowing up the internet this week.

And along with the fact she's a total babe, some have noted Rose's resemblance to Justin Bieber.


Rose seems pretty happy to fuel the comparison, posting this picture on Instagram a few months ago with the caption "bosom buddies".

There's even a shout out in the latest season of Orange Is The New Black.

She kinda does look like Justin Bieber โ€“ or, given that Rose is 29 to Justin Bieber's 21 years, HE looks like HER.

Since the latest season dropped, fans have been agitating for the two to meet up, encouraged further by this hilarious Twitter exchange.

@justinbieber you're welcome to use it anytime.

@justinbieber plates not included

And now the pair have given the people what they want โ€“ and it's the best thing ever. Bieber posted this picture on Saturday with the caption "my twin".

And Rose wrote on Facebook "haha my brother".

Facebook: OfficialRubyRose

Rose and Bieber โ€“ or is it Bieber and Rose, we can't even tell โ€“ you guys are the best.

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