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    16 Signs This Semester Has Made You More SWUG Than Ever

    Last semester was pretty SWUG. This semester, it's SWUG season 2.0!

    1. You and pants have decided to take a temporary break from each other. The split was mutual.

    2. Abbi and Ilana have become your only gods.

    3. You are in one of two categories: "I have already have signed a job offer" and "If you ask me about my job search, I will start to cry in front of you."

    4. You were overcome by the volume of scantily clad youths on Spring Break.

    5. You forgot to have an opinion about freshmen because you forgot about freshmen.

    6. You find yourself freaking out at least once that you won't graduate.

    7. You find yourself meeting people in your class that you wish you had met sooner.

    8. It's gotten to the point where your guy friends feel the need to point out when you get too SWUGly.

    9. You upgraded from bringing pizza to the bar to bringing sushi to the bar.

    10. Your dependence on GrubHub is unhealthy.

    11. You're actually learning to like better wines and enjoy them for more than binge drinking.

    12. You start to watch late night talk shows on a nightly basis.

    13. You've developed a mental block of denial that graduation is impending and you start to think of all the things you're going to miss.

    14. You realize how lucky you are not to have to register this semester. Registration would put quite the dent in your homework/Netflix/job search/wine night rotation.

    15. You find yourself preparing your body for Senior Week.

    16. You take full advantage of these last few weeks. This is the last time in your life that you can go a day without pants, attend a week straight of parties and generally ignore the laws of reality.