The Most Iconic Line in "The Fault In Our Stars" Actually Originated On "Gilmore Girls"

    Spoilers for anyone currently on a Netflix binge.

    Since The Fault in Our Stars took off, one of the most popular references from the book and film is when Augustus and Hazel say this famous line:

    It's pretty much the cutest thing ever.


    But before The Fault in Our Stars ever existed, the line actually made an appearance on Gilmore Girls.

    At the end of Season 4, Luke and Lorelai finally get together and start the romantic part of their relationship.

    Unfortunately, just as things start to get interesting, Luke has to go out of town to help his sister, Liz, and her husband, TJ, with their Renaissance fair booth.

    So he leaves a message on Lorelai's answering machine explaining where he's going and what's going on.

    Right before he hangs up, Luke says the magic words.

    And it was a beautiful moment in their budding relationship.