14 Gems Of Wisdom From Eric Matthews In Real Life

    Will Friedle, aka Eric Matthews from Boy Meet World, recently joined the Twitter world, and we're all better off for it.

    1. On pondering Ancient Greek classics:

    Do you think Odysseus ever did a The Odyssey book signing? #ancientBarnesandNoble #AllmyloveOdie #MondayMorningThoughts

    2. On how to improve your culinary skills:

    Never store meat in your beard...unless it's smoked. #WednesdaywisdomwithMrSquirrels

    3. On what's actually wrong with Disney movies:

    Don't ask Disney creatures to help you build anything. They spend all their time singing. #WednesdaywisdomwithMrSquirrels

    4. On "The Road Not Taken":

    I wonder what road Robert Frost would have taken if he used MapQuest? #takealeftontheroadlesstraveledby

    5. On the general concept of time:

    We got to sleep an extra hour this morning....but I woke up an hour earlier so... what just happened? Am I tired? #isitstillSunday?

    6. On superheros' finances:

    What do you think Superman's mortgage payments are for the Fortress of Solitude? #freewayadjacent #MondayMorningThoughts

    7. On optimizing your bodily functions:

    Always boil your urine twice or it leaves a funny after taste. #WednesdaywisdomwithMrSquirrels

    8. On the philosophy of speed:

    Turtles aren't too slow...the rest of us are just too fast. #WednesdaywisdomwithMrSquirrels

    9. On working out and being healthy:

    If I eat an eggmcmuffin really fast does that count as working out? I'll do two reps just in case. #ilovethegym

    10. On learning to love the most underrated animal:

    Skunks...good people. #WednesdaywisdomwithMrSquirrels

    11. On the truth behind brain freeze:

    If ice-cream ate people too fast...would it get a headache? #lotsofquestions

    12. On still wanting to get that letter from Hogwarts:

    Can you be wait listed at Hogwarts? #MondayMorningThoughts

    13. On wanting what's best for everyone:

    Does anyone know if the guy from that Operation game has ever gotten any better? #justwondering

    14. On living your life to the fullest:

    It's a beautiful Sunday. Tell someone you love them today...just don't freak anybody out. #lifeisshort

    Thanks for the helpful advice, Will.