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19 Times Hanna Marin Proved She's The Realest Part Of "Pretty Little Liars"

"I can't go around without a phone. That's like going around without a brain." TRUE.

While approximately 79% of the time we have zero idea what the hell is happening on Pretty Little Liars, there's one thing that is constant: Hanna Marin's brilliantly timed one-liners.

Most (okay, maybe all) of the times that Hanna speaks you're like, huh?!? But that's exactly the reason why we can't get enough of her.

1. When she truly understood the sacredness of an iPhone.

2. When she knew the best form of free therapy.

3. When she was slightly confused about our six senses.

4. And by slightly I mean really confused.

5. When she understood the most important time of day.

6. When she tried and failed to speak another language.

7. When she was slightly overeager.

8. When she was so done with fuckboys.

9. When she got a few fictional characters mixed up.

10. When she gave us all a lesson in personalities.

11. When she knew the best way to shut down haters.

12. When she thought she was caught in the act before the act even happened.

13. When she understood the squad struggle.

14. When she just could not anymore.

15. When she knew the best way to soothe your soul.

16. When she wasn't afraid to put rude texters in their place.

17. When she got a little ahead of herself.

18. When she understood the 3am struggle.

19. And also the morning after struggle.

Hanna Marin: our one true spirit animal. Never change.