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21 Things That Made You Anxious As Hell When You Were A Kid

Whoever said that life is easier when you're young is WRONG.

1. When you faked sick in the nurse's office to get out of a test... but got sent back to class.

2. When you knew you were going to be late for school, but your parents were driving 2 miles an hour.


3. Getting a crappy report card (or the asshole uncle of report cards, progress reports) on a Friday.

4. Having a Scantron test, and realizing that you didn't have a pencil.

5. When people would rather put down their stuff on seats than let you sit next to them on the bus.

6. Really needing to get to your locker between classes, but knowing that you are one tardy away from getting a detention.

7. Finding out that your friends are mad at you... because suddenly you're banned from the lunch table.

8. When you break something in your house, and you know it's gonna be a national emergency to your parents.

9. That moment when you realize that EVERYONE KNOWS WHO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON.

10. That you might be talking on the phone about someone... while they are silently listening on 3 way.

11. That your shorts would be deemed "too short" by the principal, and you will be forced to wear something terrible from the "school closet."

12. Being told to hand in your homework, and not being able to find it in your binder.

13. When you tell the wrong person a secret (especially if it's SOMEONE ELSE'S SECRET) and you watch in terror as they tell everyone.

14. Not making the team or the cast of the play… especially if you made it last time.

15. Going to the dentist, and not knowing whether you'll be condemned to braces.

16. Having to go down into the basement, especially if you have any jerk older siblings.

17. Looking at a test that you actually studied for and realizing that you have no idea how to do any of it.

18. Forgetting something at home during school, and realizing that your parents are not going to bring it for you.

19. When the kids who sit next to you in class won't stop talking, and end up getting you all in trouble.

20. Sleeping over at the house of someone... and you have a crush on their sibling.

21. Getting called home by your parents while you're out with your friends… because you know that when you get home, you're getting in trouble.