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22 Struggles All Curvy Girls Know To Be True

Your hips don't lie, but they do keep bumping into things.

1. You regularly smack your hips into tables, glasses full of liquid, or heavy doors.

2. Finding a bikini that fits often means buying tops and bottoms that come from different bathing suits.

3. Boarding a packed flight without hip checking a random stranger is more or less impossible.

4. Trying to get out of your seat in a packed movie theater? Yeah, someone's probably getting a face full of booty.

5. You've got a hate/hate relationship with Spanx.

6. You spend a lot of time googling how to dress your body.

7. Getting a coat to fit on all your body parts at the same time requires some Macguyvering.

8. Full skirts make you look like a cupcake top.

9. You're not super worked up about not having a thigh gap.

10. Shift dresses are a one-way ticket to looking super boxy.

11. When you run, you jiggle so much that you almost need a seatbelt for your body.

12. You are absolutely not buying anything without trying it on...

13. ...Though you have rage quit at least one dressing room.

14. Shopping online means having to buy two sizes of everything.

15. Pants do not fit you the same in the front as they do in the back.

16. You do not understand why clothing stores assume curvy people are all the same height.

17. All your jeans are stretchy, so you only get a few wears in before you get a case of saggy butt.

18. Shorts on you always somehow magically become underwear.

19. You have about 20 million belts, and they're all used for cinching your waist.

20. You are literally counting the seconds until the wrap dress comes back.

21. All your clothes are forever sliding around and needing adjustments.

22. When you find something that you look AND feel good in, you become an unstoppable hurricane of fabulous.