Everyone Is Thirsting Over This Photo Of Justin Trudeau Doing Yoga

    *Immediately signs up for classes*

    Last week, yoga teacher David Gellineau shared this photo of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in the yoga pose Mayurasana, or peacock pose.


    The photo was originally taken by freelance photographer Gregory Kolz in 2013, around the time Trudeau was running for Liberal Party leader. Trudeau retweeted the picture, obviously to show off his leadership skills.

    RT @gregkolz: JT is level-headed & able to bring Canada to new heights. That's why he's my choice for #Liberal Leader

    Naturally, social media users have greatly appreciated the resurfacing of the photo.


    At this point I think Canada is just trolling us.

    This guy is just too good to be true. #mayurasana #trudeau #letsimmigratetocanada @payalpuri @kakulprasher

    All of us, calmly waiting for Trudeau to break our hearts again.