This Is Exactly What Would Happen If Your Cat Could Text

    "You're welcome for the dead mouse."

    1. When they see themselves in the mirror:

    2. When they get bored:

    3. When you lock eyes on the toilet:

    4. When you're cleaning:

    5. When they think they're the neighborhood watch:

    6. When they bring you a present:

    7. When you don't clean the litter box for a day:

    8. When they're feeling frisky:

    9. When they need something in the middle of the night:

    10. When you take selfies:

    11. When you have parties:

    12. When they have no shame:

    13. When they're in a place they're not supposed to be:

    14. When you try to play with them:

    15. When you're trying to be alone: