• Puppy Bowl badge

31 GIFs Of Hot Guys Cuddling Puppies To Make You Smile

Instant joy. This'll cheer you up.

1. First you've got Ian Somerhalder.

2. Who is just too cute for words.

3. Especially here.

4. Then there's this male model.

5. And David Gandy.

6. This male model again.

7. Are you feeling better yet?

8. If not, One Direction should help.

9. Louis Tomlinson and puppies = too much.

10. But then there's Liam Payne.

11. And Zayn Malik.

12. AND even Harry.

13. Amazing.

14. This one of Adam Levine will do the trick.

15. If not this one definitely will.

16. So hot.

17. SO adorable.

18. So David Gandy.

19. We had to include him again.

20. There's this one of Channing Tatum nuzzling away.

21. And copying him eating. Sigh.

22. Ryan Gosling dancing with a dog all tattooed and tasty.

23. And the Game Of Thrones guys.

24. Can't handle it.

25. Too much.

26. THIS.

27. And this.

28. Zac Efron <3.

29. And Will Graham towel drying away.

30. They all equal happiness.

31. Ta da. Smiles all round.