Jamie And Claire Are Looking Damn Good In "Outlander" Season 2

    They've got a real Sasse-KNACK for fashion haha.

    The first trailer for Outlander's second season gave us a few glorious glimpses of what the Frasers are up to. They've arrived in France, Claire's pregnant, and Jamie's shirtless. Perfect.

    Jamie's still getting into super hot sword fights.

    And Claire is rocking some serious French fashion. But we didn't get a good enough look in the trailer.

    Well, take a long, lingering look. Entertainment Weekly has given us our first look at Jamie and Claire in full French attire. And damn, they look good.

    Claire's gloves, that floral hat, Jaimie's slightly more coiffed ponytail, his subtle pinky ring, OK. Let's just take a collective, calming breath.

    Alright, now that we've done that, let's all freak out until Spring, k? K.