People Are Pitting Kim Kardashian Against Ayesha Curry On Twitter

    The internet is weird.

    You've probably heard about Kim Kardashian's nude selfie by now.

    She sent out the nudie, then later clarified that it was not, in fact, a recent picture.

    People have a lot of feelings about the selfie. Piers Morgan, Chloë Grace Moretz, and Bette Midler have all publicly criticized it.

    And Kim kiiinda went off about it on Twitter.

    She's obviously fine with her decision to post the picture.

    No regrets.

    Now, Ayesha Curry, wife of basketball player Stephen Curry and the mother of their two kids, has somehow gotten dragged into the debate.

    It might be partly because back in December, Ayesha tweeted some thoughts she has on her own style choices.

    Which do not, seemingly, include nude selfies.

    Though she never called anyone out specifically.

    But regardless, people are suddenly and inexplicably being divided into two camps: Team Kim and Team Ayesha.

    Some people are firmly on Team Ayesha.

    Some are Team Kim.

    But most people are like, ummm, stop.

    Stop it.

    Why are we making these women into weird archetypes?

    These are people we're talking about.

    No one has to choose anything.

    Sooooo, let's cut it out?

    Chrissy Teigen chimed in...

    ...and even Ayesha agrees.

    Cool cool.