Facebook In Your Teens Vs. Facebook In Your Twenties

    Out with the bumper stickers, in with the unfriending.

    1. In your teens: Comment on your best friend's sepia-colored profile picture.

    In your twenties: Rarely comment on profile pictures because you don't want to seem overly excited about something so trivial.

    2. Teen: "Like" or comment on most of the statuses that flood your newsfeed.

    Twentysomething: Scroll through statuses because you don't have energy to read three paragraph rants.

    3. Teen: Write on someone's wall to see how they're doing.

    Twentysomething: Inbox someone a message and avoid PDA on the timeline.

    4. Teen: Send your friend a bumper sticker that totally describes your relationship.

    Twentysomething: Send your friend a GIF that totally describes your relationship.

    5. Teen: Upload an album from your BFF's surprise party with a digital camera.

    Twentysomething: Upload just one selfie from your BFF's drunken surprise party with your smartphone.

    6. Teen: Put a Dave Matthews Band lyric in your bio section for some flavor.

    Twentysomething: Try to prove to the masses you're sophisticated by just leaving your birthday and alma mater in your bio section.

    7. Teen: Friend request everyone you meet, even if it was for 10 seconds during lunch in the cafeteria.

    Twentysomething: Wait to friend request someone because they know you searched them and then stalked your life and GAH.

    8. Teen: Wish all of your friends a Happy Birthday with a Graffiti drawing.

    Twentysomething: Check your friendship and see if that person wished you a Happy Birthday last year. If not, ignore.

    9. Teen: Everyone can scroll through your tagged pictures from birthday parties and homecoming events.

    Twentysomething: Make your tagged pictures private. You don't want your Facebook friends to see your drunken fail from last Saturday night.

    10. Teen: Record a silly video on Photobooth and share it on your friend's wall.

    Twentysomething: Send your friend an embarrassing double chin selfie in a private inbox only.

    11. Teen: Accept every single friend request from your high school peers.

    Twentysomething: Be more selective with accepting friend requests, even if they sit next to you at work.

    12. Teen: Make a corny status to fit the classic "is" complex.

    Twentysomething: Check into your Sunday brunch location on Foursquare.

    13. Teen: Post a YouTube video of "Crank That (Soulja Boy)" by Soulja Boy Tell'em.

    Twentysomething: Shamelessly share a Spotify playlist of your favorite music.

    14. Teen: Always be available on Chat to talk with anyone about homework, hookups, and TV shows.

    Twentysomething: Stay offline on Chat so you won't be bothered when Facebook stalking.

    15. Teen: When it's your best friend's birthday, you write an all-caps message on their wall with an endless amount of exclamation points.

    Twentysomething: When it's your best friend's birthday, you share an Instagram picture of a legendary moment from your friendship.

    16. Teen: Find the pictures of babies on your newsfeed super cute, and react with an "Awwwwwww!"

    Twentysomething: Find the pictures of babies on your newsfeed bothersome, and react with an "Oh, god."

    17. Teen: Block your high school peers you only ask for homework help from your newsfeed.

    Twentysomething: Unfriend your old high school peers and feel a big sense of relief.

    18. Teen: Poke someone to flirt and have super cute fun time.

    Twentysomething: Poke someone to flirt and have super cute fun time.