25 Funny, Random, And Bizarre Things People Have Actually Asked Google

    "Can you make human cheese from breast milk?"

    We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the weirdest question they've ever googled. Here are the beautiful results.

    1. "Can you make human cheese from breast milk?"

    2. "Why is my poop green?"

    3. "Would it hurt to get ketchup in your urethra?"

    4. "If a pregnant woman swallows sperm, will the baby drink it too?"

    5. "Why do my nipples tingle when I vomit?"

    6. "Will my farts freeze if it’s below zero outside?"

    7. "How do you get peanut butter out of your nostril?"

    8. "Can I get E. coli from eating my own poop?"

    9. "What happens if I pull rope out of my dog’s butt?"

    10. "How long is the biggest pubic hair?"

    11. "What happens to your pimples after you die?"

    12. "Why do my farts smell worse in the shower?"

    13. "Does my dog get sexually confused if I accidentally touch his penis while rubbing his tummy?"

    14. “If a conjoined twin smokes weed, does the other twin get high too?"

    15. "Can semen be used for cooking?"

    16. "Are sponges alive?"

    17. "Can turtles give you diabetes?"

    18. "What does sex look like from the inside?"

    19. "Is human meat white or dark when you cook it?"

    20. "What is truffle butter?"

    21. "How do fish have sex?"

    22. "Can you make leather out of human skin?"

    23. "What does the vagina plane look like?"

    24. "Is semen a carb?"

    25. And "Has a woman ever put a hamster in her vagina?"

    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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