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Tell Us About The Job You Love And Never Expected To Have

How did you end up in the career you have now?

You probably remember the paralysis of your early (or mid-, or late...) twenties: after graduation, what were you going to DO?

Maybe you graduated and spent a few years working odd jobs and temp jobs, trying to make up your mind.

Maybe you got the job you always thought you wanted, only to realize you didn't want to do it at all.

But eventually, you found something you loved to do. Something you never thought you'd GET to do as a job.

Maybe you planned to be a doctor but now build furniture. Maybe you thought you'd be a lawyer and switched over to nursing.

We want to know how you got the job you have now — the one you never expected but love all the same (and maybe more) for it. Tell us your unexpected career change story in the comments!